Essential Web Design Tips For Stunning Customer Service Experience

The first impression of your web design and website makes a big impact on the visitors. In fact, most judge a website and business within a few seconds of visiting it. In the case, where the visitors do not find your website appealing or find it difficult they will simply move to another similar website. On the other hand, a good design works wonders and can grab the potential customer’s attention. This article explains the key elements of Web Design in Kuwait.

Importance of a Good Website Design

Website designers need to ensure their design is appealing to the visitor in the initial 2 to 3 seconds of them visiting it. This is very important for a business since it affects the popularity of its brand and what people think about its business. It is vital your website is easy to navigate and allows visitors to find what they are looking for. Website design plays an important role in marketing one’s online presence, especially since a high percentage of visitors prefer an aesthetic website, one which has a good design and functionality.

Interesting Facts & Statistics


  • 75% of the audience judge a website solely based on the visual design.
  • 50 milliseconds are all it takes to generate the first impression on a website.
  • 38% of visitors will leave your website if the design and content are unappealing.
  • The loading time of a website also affects user interest and their decision on moving to another website.
  • A website that lacks a purposeful design and relevant content will affect the conversion rate.

Tips for Good Website Design


  • A professionally designed website helps gain the trust of the consumers.
  • Use photos of humans instead of objects since this is more effective.
  • Sharing a story or experience pertaining to your brand, product or service will intrigue the visitors.
  • It is essential the website design is visually appealing and encourages visitors to take approximate actions, especially on the landing pages.
  • Keep it simple and use appropriate colors and graphics on your website.
    Create a mobile-first design and consider the customer perspective.
  • Website navigation is one of the key elements of the design, since if visitors find it hard to find what they are looking for it will create a negative impression or might result in them leaving your website.
  • Ensure your website is compatible on all platforms by making it responsive.
    A good website design is one that is well planned, performs well, and offers visitors a pleasant experience.
  • It is a good practice to update your website regularly to keep it current and implement current technologies.

CliqTechno is a Web Design Company in Kuwait. We offer amazing website designs that take advantage of current technologies like UX/UI. We work closely with our clients to develop web and mobile app designs. CliqTechno has been offering high-quality website design services for several years. This is also a firm that has been nominated for several awards and also won 45 awards for innovation. With over 200 satisfied customers you can trust us for the perfect website design.

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Is It Worth Making A Website Mobile-Friendly?

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